Finding the Best Online Poker Room – As all poker sites on the internet call themselves poker rooms so that is what I would call them too. The first thing you should do to inspect a room is for them. You have to download at least five rooms but ten is better. Set up an account on each so you can enter their rooms to get an idea of how they operate. The first thing to look for is the “home page” layout. Does it make you feel good? Is it easy to understand? These are not important things, but they should be thought about.
One thing that is very important is the ease of navigation in the room. Can you find the match schedule easily? Is help available? Do they break free gambling games from game money? Do you have to search through the entire list of games to find what you want? Write down your impressions of each room so you can make an assessment later.
Now play in some free games to get a feel for how the software works. This will help you decide whether you want to play in the room or not. There’s no point in going any further in checking the space if you don’t like playing there. Once you do the above you may be omitted a room or two. Now you have to decide what game and what kind of game you want to play.
Do you want Hold’em, Stud, Omaha? Do you want tournaments or ring games? Do you want freerolls or cash tournaments? Or do you want some combination of all of that?
Look at the match schedule. Does it have enough of the games you want, when you want them? Are the limits at your disposal, are there when you need them? In short, can you use the room when it is convenient for you?
The next thing you should do is look at the number of players playing in the room. Check the total number of players on their schedule page at different times to see if it is a popular room or not. The less popular the rooms are the less likely you will have to play. A good rule of thumb is if the room has less than 1,000 players, when they’re slow, you won’t have enough play going on to provide options when you need them.
Go to the cash register window. Check out the available methods for depositing money into the room. Do they have many options or just a few? Are the methods expensive or do they have some free ones? How difficult is their system to use? Is it very complicated?
Now you have to see how to withdraw your money. This is very important because many rooms make it very difficult and complicated for some of their methods of withdrawal. Check to see if they have Neteller, as this is the easiest and most expensive way of all. In fact, it is free for users.
This is the most important point to look for in choosing an online poker room. There are many more, but they are based on personal desire or need and must be discovered on your own…