
Information Regarding Online Gambling Games

How To Play Betting Cockfight Online Gambling

Discussion How To Play Betting Cockfight Online Gambling Watching cockfighting and betting real money in chicken matches is certainly very difficult for you to do in Indonesia because these activities have been banned and there are sanctions for those who break them.

But now with advances in technology you can see cockfighting matches and place bets on cockfighting provided by the cockfighters online.

By playing cockfighting online you can play safely without worrying that there will be raids or money carried away by the bookie. Because the site you are using is a trusted chicken dealer, namely S128 and SV388.

Compared to the original chicken gambling game. This type of game is more profitable. Where you can bet with a minimum bet. So there is no need to spend that deep. You can bet on one of the competing chickens. Besides that, there will also be odds that will become the benchmark for calculating your wins and losses. Coupled with direct and full payments. As well as an interesting bonus from this game, surely the benefits you can get are very tempting. The following below, we will discuss the guidelines on how to play betting cockfight online gambling :

♦ Preparing for Cockfighting Online:
You should find a trusted online bookie / dealer that works together and provides account opening services on the S128 site.
Register yourself at the dealer by filling in the registration form. Fill in the correct data according to your ID card, don’t forget to choose the type of online cockfighting game.
Prepare a bank account (Mandiri, BNI, BCA, or BRI) to be registered on the agent’s website so that you can deposit / withdraw.
After successfully registering yourself, you will get a Username and password to login to Log in first to ensure that the account provided is registered and can be played.
Make your initial deposit. Once the deposit is received, the balance on the account will increase as deposited and means that you are ready to place bets on your first match.

Online Cockfighting Payment Methods:
• Meron: install IDR 100,000-. If the meron wins, you will get a prize of Rp. 75,000 + capital to a total of Rp. 175,000. But if the meron loses, then you lose Rp 100,000.
• Wala: install IDR 100,000. If Wala wins, you will get a prize of IDR 100,000 + capital to a total of IDR 200,000. But if Wala loses, then your loss is Rp. 91,000
• BDD: install IDR 100,000, – what if the BDD results you will be paid 8 x IDR 100,000. So the total is IDR 800,000
• FTD: install IDR 100,000, – If FTF results, you will be paid 88 x IDR 100,000. So the total Rp.8,800,000

Good news for lovers of cockfighting, because right now playing adau chicken can already be played online on the S128 site. Well, now we will provide information on the Guide to Playing Cockfighting Online S128. For beginners, we recommend following the review of the following article until it runs out in order to add to your experience.

Little information about S128 Chicken Fights in the Philippines, cockfighting activities known as Rooster, Battle Cock, Cock Fighter, Chicken Fights, Jago Fights, Matajen, or Chicken Games are considered legal and can be done in public places. in the Philippines because it is considered legal, a cockfighting match can be witnessed on television directly.

Read also : Type Of The Best Fighting Cock

On this occasion we will explain to you all about how to play and place online cock fighting betting provided by the s128 site. for those of you who don’t understand, please refer to the article we gave this time.

♦ Guide to Playing Cockfighting S128:
For the first step you have to do is register in advance at one of the best and most trusted s128 online cockfighting gambling agents in Indonesia.

Choose Meron / Red / Banker or select Wala / Blue / Player, or Tie which is divided into two namely BDD and FTD

BDD is the abbreviation of Both Death Draw or which means both chickens are declared dead before the full match time for ten minutes. If a match is declared finished with a BDD result, then all Wala and Meron bets will be returned (sometimes credit will be a bit late).

FTD which means the Two Chickens don’t die and there are no winners or draws in a ten minute match (full time). If declared FTD then Wala, Meron or BDD bets will be declared losing.

Every choice has ODD or Kei.

In the picture Meron / Red 0.83 is chosen which means the Odds Value if you place a bet with a value of Rp 100,000, – then the prize is Rp 83,000, –

In the picture chosen Wala / Blue -0.93 which means the Odds Value if you place a bet with a value of Rp 100,000, – then if you win Rp. 100,000 and lose losing IDR 93,000

BDD 1: 8 which means if you place a bet of IDR 100,000, – then if you win, you will be paid IDR 800,000, – including your capital of IDR 100,000, – which means if you win you will be paid eight times the value of your bet. And only if it is stated BDD (Both Death Draw) if the two chickens die together before full time runs out and the Full Time is 10 minutes long.

FTD 1: 88 which means that if you place a bet of Rp 100,000, – then if you win, you will be paid Rp. 8,800,000, – including your capital of Rp 100,000, – which means if you win you will be paid 88 times the value of your bet, and only if declared FTD (Full Time Draw) if the two chickens that are competing or competing cannot continue the match or in the sense of the word draw after passing full time with a duration of ten minutes.


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